Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Winter Returns to Pemberton

What a strange snow season we're having here in B.C. Most of February felt more like April. Bike trails were being ridden, the valley was green and it felt as though winter was finished. Then the temps dropped and low pressure systems in the gulf started spinning. March has brought a welcome return to winter (at least on the top half of the mountains).
Last weekend we stayed overnight in a cabin off the Duffey Lake Road. Dan Milner (over from France to take some photos) and I trekked into the shelter Friday night towing crazy carpets. Jonaven & his dogs (from here on known as Johnny 2 Dogs) and Dave B. met us there early Saturday morning and we were off to the fresh powder.

Full load. Thanks for the pic Dan.

Dave B's stack before...

...and after.

Lunchtime in the trees.


Touring up to...

the upper playground.

We spent two days shooting footage in the storm for "Deeper." Snow stability was less than bomber, but we were still able to get some decent shots on smaller terrain. All in all it was a great two days in the snow.

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