Monday, February 28, 2011

Feb Recap

February is done. What a blur. Here's how some of it looked.
Dave Short is always a welcome addition.

Lucas Debari about to drop in on the North Sister on a negative tide.
Rainy day in Glacier? Tequila Monopoly!
Will Jackways with a stout warm up drop.
Lots of these this month.
Blair H. is part snow monkey.
Thumb whorl in an old tree.
MFR in the goods.
Blair gets amongst it.
Lucas gets a little deeper.
Ahh, the joys of wrenching in the cold.
What do wolverines eat in the winter?
MFR's sweet line.
Good snow is good.
Mt. Currie catches the last light above Pemby.
Coastal cool.
Lucas likes what he sees.
Somebody's watching.
Marie checks out a natural ramp.
Patterson moving some snow.
Wind results.
I finally got off the sled for a second. Haven't had time to make Jones' old board mine yet.
An old standby. Firm up top, soft down below.
There's a full reset in effect as I type this. Bring it on March!

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