Ryland Bell and Chris Edmands are here in B.C. shooting footage for the Deeper project. Last week Dave B. and I joined them for a daytrip off the Duffey Lake Road. Skies were clear all morning. Temperatures were around -5c and the wind was calm. Perfect. We skinned up through the forest to Rohr Ridge and got a few shots in the sun before the clouds moved in from the west. After a bite to eat it was time to decide on a run to the valley. There are a series of south facing avalanche paths that drop over 2000 feet straight down to the highway below. The snow on that aspect is often sun and wind affected, but on this day conditions were perfect for a leg burning shot to the road. I have driven past the bottom of these chutes for years on my way to or from B.C.'s interior. It was satisfying to be at the bottom looking up at our tracks instead of catching a glimpse of someone else's from a car window.

Sunny skies all morning. The view south out to the east end of the Pemberton Valley.

Ryland Bell doing a few short laps for the cameras.

A changing sky for the afternoon.


The run to the road. Pow all the way down.

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