Sunday, August 29, 2010

Dark Side of the Lens

This is just brilliant.

DARK SIDE OF THE LENS from Astray Films on Vimeo.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Operation Golden Eagle on ESPN

Jesse Huffman's blurb about his brother's movie (Operation Golden Eagle) is up over at ESPN. They used a couple of my pics in the piece. Click on the grab below to check it out.

Monday, August 16, 2010


I just spent a few days up at the Crankworx circus in Whistler helping put together W.C.P.'s daily video webisodes. We put up 8 edits in 9 days covering everything we could during the festival. Crankworx 2010 was huge. Bike fans from all over the world made their way to Whistler to see the show. Stu & Shin at W.C.P. put a great team together to get it all done. Good jorb everyone.

Here's the final day & wrap up:

Kokanee Crankworx Day 8 Canadian Open Downhill presented by Kona from Whistler Creek Productions on Vimeo.

 Check the links above for all the webisodes.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Meager Slide

A great shot from Bonny Makarewicz showing the bottom of the slide path. This is looking east with the Lilloet River on the left and Meager Creek on the right. Check out the forest that's no longer there on the opposite slope of the Meager Valley! You can see more shots over at Dave's Landslide Blog with some good explanations of what happened. More shots here. Wow.