I spent the weekend splitboarding around the Joffre Lakes. The first day was an early with Jonaven and his hounds exploring a pillow zone. The weather was forecast to deteriorate during the day so we planned a route in the trees to avoid flat light in the alpine. The sun stayed out all day and we were in the shade. Always fun to explore a new zone though. Marcos the dog got the line of the day. Sunday was forecast to be clouding over and precip starting in the afternoon so I didn't really plan anything. Of course I slept in and the morning was dawned clear. A few calls were made and I was on the trail with Dave B. and Vanessa before noon. We followed the same route up, but took a different line down. The skies did finally cloud over by the time we dropped in, but the run we chose still had good definition. Glad to be out there again riding new terrain with old friends.
Crystals on the trees around the middle lake.