Sunday, February 28, 2010


The Olympics just wrapped up today with Canada winning the gold medal in Men's Hockey versus the U.S.A. What a way to finish! My brother was at the game through some good fortune (and witchcraft I'm pretty sure.) He's the luckiest guy on the planet I know on this day. He got to witness in person one of the most exciting hockey games of all time. I watched from Pemberton in a room full of old and new friends from both sides of the border (and a Swede.) After the game we visited another home full of new and old friends where we watched the closing ceremonies and shared a fantastic meal.
All in all it was a wonderful Sunday where I got to reflect on the Olympics I had been dreading. I had some pretty big reservations about the games coming to town over the last few years. A big inconvenience was how I perceived it for the most part. Then, when it finally hit two weeks ago and was on... it all worked. Obviously there were bugs to work out at first and things to streamline, but once the whole operation started to chug along it was hard to hate on it. I always thought I'd be out of town during the games, but found myself at home the last 2 weeks. I never went to any of the events, but spent some time in Whistler enjoying the whole atmosphere of the thing and catching up with visiting friends. It was a party. And a good one. The press seemed to focus on the negatives at the start of it all (and it was bit of a rocky ride). When the Canadians started climbing the podium to accept medals everyone got behind them, including me. I had lots of friends and family directly involved with the games. I haven't been able to get any of their reviews yet, but I'm pretty sure no one has any regrets. I'm just so glad we won that game!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Dirksen & Deeper

Josh Dirksen has been hanging with us in Pemberton. He made his way up here after the Mt. Baker Banked Slalom to do some touring and shooting with me for Deeper. We've been battling the clouds until the last few days. Finally some sunshine. Stoked to finally work with Dirksen.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mt Slalok

We've been touring around the Joffre Lakes this week quite a bit shooting footage for Deeper. The skies finally cleared yesterday and we got a good look at a line we've been eyeballing for a while now - Mt. Slalok. Jonaven & Ryan Daly joined forces (as they've been known to do) to tour up around the Matier Glacier and then up the back of Slalok. Ryan was dealing with some bronchial issues that ended up cutting his climb short about halfway up. Bummer, because there was a ton of snow left to shred after Jonaven dropped the line. About 5 hours from the Upper Joffre Lake to the top and about 2 minutes back down to the lake. Windy all morning, but it eased up right when we needed it to. Check out Jonaven's pics here.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Campbell Icefield Chalet

I spent last week splitboarding in the Rocky Mountains just north of Golden at The Campbell Icefield Chalet. I was part of a group of 8 made up of Jonaven Moore and his family and friends. We flew in on a big Bell 212 on a saturday and quickly set out to explore the new (to us) terrain. The group that was there the week before us numbered 30. They said something about hoping it snowed for us because they had tracked everything out. There were a lot of tracks around, but none where we wanted to ride. Except for the up tracks everywhere - thank you! The weather during the week was mostly cloudy with a little bit of new snow almost every night. The snowpack was super stable throughout the week too. There were also enough pillows and steep tree runs to keep us busy in the low visibility. The last morning dawned with clear skies and let us up into the alpine for one run before it milked out. At the end of the week we were pretty blissed out. We did our own cooking, ate amazing meals with great people and got some great footage for the Deeper project.
Our home for 7 days.

A pillow face we named Happyland!

Happyland from above.

More pillow stacks...

Jonaven in a pretty cool place.

Kelly Schovanek, me & Jonaven.

A room with a view.

Thunder Mountain catching some rare morning light.

The group before us had built a network of igloos and tunnels.

As I was taking this picture with the couloir on the left in the background...

Jonaven was taking this one in the couloir.

This line revealed itself to us for about 20 minutes one afternoon. We never did get the light to get to it.

Happy shot.

Thanks Harry Patterson for putting this one together.